Program Overview

The Black Male Working Academy (BMWA) is a Saturday program that is a collaborative of First Bracktown, Inc. and the Fayette County Public School System.

MISSION: To educate, motivate, and to activate the potential for excellence that lies within every African American male.


  1. To close the academic achievement gap that exists in our school system for African American males
  2. To give support to African American males when they take advanced and AP classes
  3. To help African American males to be college & career ready
  4. To provide ACT & SAT Prep Classes
  5. To the provide young men annually with college and educational trips
  6. Provide college scholarships for young men


  • Early BMWA for Kindergarten and 1st grade
  • Pre-BMWA for grades 2nd & 3rd
  • Junior BMWA for grades 4th & 5th
  • BMWA for grades 6th through 12th
A Saturday at BMWA
Each Saturday begins with a “power story” presented by an African American male who shares his journey to success. These men inspire and motivate the student work hard, persevere, and learn leadership skills. We also emphasize math and literacy each week and Robotics and STEM education are frequent exposure opportunities.